Gibbons Diversity Initiative Selected as a Finalist for the 2014 COMMERCE Best Practices Guide


October 1, 2014

Gibbons P.C. was selected as a finalist for the Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey (CIANJ) and COMMERCE magazine’s 2014 “Best Practices” competition, in recognition of its supplier diversity program, GDI-123.

COMMERCE has published an annual special section on corporate best practices for several years. The Best Practices awards program grew out of the popularity of the special section and the innovative programs and policies shared by COMMERCE ’s corporate audience.

Gibbons submitted GDI-123 for best practice consideration based on the program’s three-pronged mission: to help the firm and clients to meet diverse spend goals with qualified M/WBE vendors, utilize diverse Gibbons attorneys with total quality management of services, and obtain competitive rates for legal work and other products and services. The firm’s GDI-123 administrator directs the entire process, so no burden is placed on clients’ in-house personnel. Through GDI-123, Gibbons also helps qualified M/WBE vendors through the certification process, helping to expand the number of these businesses.