Speaker, New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education, "The Art of a Deal: Navigating Issues in Commercial Real Estate Law," Iselin, NJ


May 23, 2013 | 2:30 PM EST

Russell B. Bershad, Co-Chair of the Gibbons Real Property & Environmental Group, will serve as a panelist at the NJICLE Real Estate Practice program, “The Art of a Deal: Navigating Issues in Commercial Real Estate Law,” on Thursday, May 23, at the Renaissance Hotel in Iselin, NJ.

Mr. Bershad’s panel, “Redevelopment & Incentives,” will address real estate tax exemption agreements, commonly known as PILOT agreements, and the RAB law, which authorizes a special form of PILOT agreement that provides a means for raising capital for a project through a bond offering supported by pledging future payments in lieu of taxes.