Speaker, Gibbons Eighth Annual Employment & Labor Law Conference, "The Not-Your-Typical Workplace Cultural Assessment and Investigations Program," West Orange, NJ


April 2, 2019 | 10:15 AM - April 2, 2019 | 11:15 AM EST

Featuring: Susan L. NardoneJohn C. RomeoBrian D. Bauman

Companies have heard a lot about how to address sexual harassment and conduct workplace investigations in light of the #MeToo movement. This panel will take a different, more holistic approach by focusing on the use of a cultural assessment to root out potential vulnerabilities and keep your company’s name out of the headlines. Additional topics of discussion include thinking beyond standard investigation processes and procedures, addressing invocation of privilege, using public relations or corporate communications in high-profile investigations, deciding whether, and when to make the outcome known and to whom, waiving privilege, and other hot issues.