Moderator, New Jersey State Bar Association's Virtual 2020 Annual Meeting and Convention, "Walking Out the Door: The Facts, Figures and Future of Experienced Women Lawyers in Private Practice"


May 15, 2020 | 9:00 AM - May 15, 2020 | 10:15 AM EST

Featuring: Christine A. AmalfePaulette BrownJeralyn L. LawrenceJeralyn L. LawrenceStephanie A. Scharf

The legal landscape for women continues to present many obstacles and recent reports suggest that women attorneys will suffer the most in the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. These obstacles are not new but our response to them should be. Hear from the authors of the American Bar Association’s landmark study, “Walking Out the Door,” which examined why women leave the law. Learn why culture and unwritten rules can make the business of law so challenging for women and gain valuable strategies from our esteemed panel that all attorneys — especially women — can use to develop and thrive in the profession. Wherever you are in the life cycle of your legal career, you are sure to walk away from this program with a renewed sense of purpose and determination.